XMail Filters And Utilities
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Filters And Utilities   

Xmail Server is an excellent free open source SMTP/POP3/FINGER Mail Server by Davide Libenzi.

On this page you will find a some scripts or tools I have written quick'n'dirty for use with Xmail Server. They are used in real-world environment and are considered very useful for a long period. This may not necessarily be the case for everyone else than me, but they may at least be a starting point for you and leave room for your own modifications.

List Handler

The List Handler php script maintains the mailing lists of a xmail server by providing means to subscribe to and unsubscribe from these lists using simple mail messages.

  • has been working on Windows (and still should) and is now running under linux
  • supports open and closed mailing lists
  • only two aliases 'samplelist-subscribe' and 'samplelist-unsubscribe' are needed per mailing list
  • users that unsubscribe are not removed from the list but marked as disabled
Download List Handler


The AutoReply php script adds the possibility to automatically reply to incoming mail to be able to tell the sender 'I'm out of office ...' or 'this address is no longer valid ...' and either reply to or just reject the incoming mail.

  • has been working on Windows (and still should) and is now running under linux
  • fully configurable to the user using simple mail
  • means to avoid ping-pong effects
  • supports html-mail
Download AutoReply